Children Banner Widget

We at Cross Road Baptist cherish our children for they are the future of our church. Events are planned to entertain, foster team building and most importantly, teach God’s Word in a way they can understand.

Sunday School

Sunday School is an integral part of our children’s program with weekly gatherings every Sunday morning at 9:45-10:45 am.


Children’s Church

You are invited to bring your children to worship services where we provide a special Children’s Sermons time each Sunday. At the conclusion of the Children’s Sermon, children are guided outside the sanctuary for Children’s Church. Children’s Church provides age-appropriate lessons and hands-on activities where children can grow and learn alongside their peers.



Nursery is provided each Sunday while parents worship and participate in church activities. The Nursery is open every Sunday starting at 9:45am for Sunday school and continues through the 11 am morning worship. Children will receive a safe and nurturing environment while in the nursery with a minimum of two nursery works on duty at all times. The Nursery will remain open until all children have been picked up by parent or guardian.

Please ask an usher for directions to the Nursery if you wish to make use of this ministry.

Monthly Event

Every month we have activities for our Children that include games, food and Bible Study. The events vary from church wide activities to children specific functions.
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